Belleview Christian College
Escape from SlaveryEscape from Slavery: The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity and My Journey to Freedom in America  "In this groundbreaking modern slave narrative, Francis Bok shares his remarkable story with grace, honesty, and a wisdom gained from surviving ten years in captivity.

"May, 1986: Selling his mother's eggs and peanuts near his village in southern Sudan, seven year old Francis Bok's life was shattered when Arab raiders on horseback, armed with rifles and long knives, burst into the quiet marketplace, murdering men and women and gathering the young children into a group. Strapped to horses and donkeys, Francis and others were taken north, into lives of slavery under wealthy Muslim farmers.

"For ten years, Francis lived alone in a shed near the goats and cattle that were his responsibility. Fed with scraps from the table, slowly learning bits of an unfamiliar language and religion, the boy had almost no human contact other than his captor's family. After two failed attempts to escape-each bringing severe beatings and death threats-Francis finally escaped at age seventeen, a dramatic breakaway on foot that was his final chance. Yet his slavery did not end there, for even as he made his way toward the capital city of Khartoum, others sought to deprive him of his freedom. Determined to avoid that fate and discover what had happened to his family on that terrible day in 1986, the teenager persevered through prison and refugee camps for three more years, winning the attention of United Nations officials and being granted passage to America.

Now a student and an anti-slavery activist, Francis Bok has made it his life mission to combat world slavery. His is the first voice to speak for an estimated twenty seven million people held against their will in nearly every nation, including our own. Escape from Slavery is at once a riveting adventure, a story of desperation and triumph, and a window revealing a world that few have survived to tell."

.Jesus and the Restoration of IsraelJesus & the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N.T. Wright's Jesus and the Victory of God 
'"Jesus just won't go away," begins the editor of this collection of essays. Devoted to the massive and influential study by the theologian N.T. Wright, Jesus and the Victory of God, this current volume assembles a dozen or so leading scholars to assess the importance--and accuracy--of Wright's 600-page study of the historical Jesus. More than a simple tribute to this English scholar, the writers in the volume, who are mainly assembled from the conservative wings of the church (with Marcus Borg representing the more liberal "Jesus Seminar" interpreters), clearly wish to clarify and deepen their own interpretations even while affirming the richness and depth of Wright's approach. As the editor states, readers here will find essays "by historians of Second Temple Judaism, Scripture scholars, systematic theologians and philosophers." As a result, even without reading Wright's own book, this volume can give the reader a very clear snapshot of much of New Testament studies as it (and we) begin a new millennium. --Doug Thorpe'

.The New Testament and the People of GodThe New Testament and the People of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol 1)

Jesus and the Victory of GodJesus and the Victory of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Volume 2)  "N.T. Wright brilliantly surveys the field of Jesus scholarship in the twentieth-century, presenting Jesus firmly within the political and social setting of the first-century--as a Jewish apocalyptic prophet."

.Handbook on the PentateuchHandbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy  "Hamilton's synopsis of the Penteteuch is great for the biblical scholar at heart. Laypersons will also enjoy this book, as it flows quite well and keeps the reader intrigued."

True Son of HeavenTrue Son of Heaven: How Jesus Fulfills the Chinese Culture  "Is God a figment of Western imagination? Does Jesus come as a stranger to the peoples of the Far East? True Son of Heaven argues, on the contrary, that Jesus is the fulfillment of truths that have captivated the Chinese for thousands of years. Hints of Gospel truth can be found in the philosophy and ethics of the great Confucian sages, popular Buddhist myth, holy mountains, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, New Year decorations, even the Chinese language. Truth, as the increasing interdependence of world cultures reminds us, must be universal to be valid. True Son of Heaven argues that Jesus brings together the best in Chinese culture, and enhances it. Much that is beautiful in the history and thought of the Middle Kingdom is thus retroactively drawn up into the redemptive story of the human race."

The Resurrection of the Son of GodThe Resurrection of the Son of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, 3)
"Why did Christianity begin, and why did it take the shape it did? To answer this question – which any historian must face – renowned New Testament scholar N.T. Wright focuses on the key points: what precisely happened at Easter? What did the early Christians mean when they said that Jesus of Nazareth had been raised from the dead? What can be said today about his belief?"

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